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Long Term Treatment

There are many benefits of long term drug addiction treatment. Recovering addicts experience many positive results from these types of rehab programs. According to all of the latest research in the field of addiction, what has been concluded is that in terms of drug treatment, the longer the treatment program stay is, the more apt the individuals are to sustain long-term sobriety. Choosing the correct drug or alcohol treatment approach is often a very confusing, and sometimes difficult endeavor. It is important to be well informed in order to choose the right drug rehab center. Each long term drug or alcohol treatment facility is unique in their approach to recovery. Take note of what is important to you, and make decisions based on your personal needs. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, effective long-term drug treatment programs typically incorporate many components, each focusing on specific aspects of the addiction and its consequences. Effective long-term treatment should help an individual to stop using drugs and maintain a drug-free lifestyle while encouraging them to master the tools needed to function productively within their family, at work and in society.

The physical detoxification from drugs and alcohol is the first step upon arriving at the long term drug treatment center. Beyond detox and the withdrawal process, clients need to engage in deep emotional work in order to increase mental investment in the process. The more entrenched addicts are in the process, the more they will value their sobriety. Through long term treatment, individuals who are suffering from drug or alcohol addiction are afforded the opportunity to experience what sober living truly feels like. While a 30 day program may work for some, many need more time than those four short weeks to reflect on months or years of drug and alcohol abuse. The struggle of the withdrawal process can sometimes take up quite a bit of one’s time in short term treatment, giving little or no time for substantial rehabilitation to occur.

An effective long term drug treatment program generally ranges from three to twelve months in length and, although the specifics vary from program to program, the focus of all long term treatment should be about the same:

  • Long term drug treatment should give the individual a substantial amount of time in which he can get to the root of his alcohol or drug addiction.
  • A long term drug treatment program should give the individual being treated for addiction the tools to live a drug free life outside of treatment.
  • Long term drug treatment programs should seek to assess the various facets of addiction or alcoholism while addressing one’s personal accountability and responsibility for choices made—both the good and the bad.
  • A well-rounded long term drug treatment center will offer aid in refining one’s basic life skills such as communication and relationships.

While in long term treatment, individuals will experience many benefits and learn various things such as:

  • Life skills. Examples of these include stress reduction systems and how to build healthy relationships
  • How to communicate effectively – sober. While attending long term drug treatment, addicts converse amongst themselves, under the supervision of a professional. Snags in communication methods are picked up and discussed openly – then alternative communication techniques are suggested by the drug treatment professional. Over time, addicts learn how to communicate effectively with the ultimate goal being to emulate the behavior upon completion of the drug treatment program.
  • The process of identifying triggers, i.e., people, places and things that serve as an impetus for the individual's desire to use drugs or alcohol.
  • Planning escape methods and coping mechanisms to be used when addicts come in contact with these identified triggers.
  • Individuals will learn ways in which to express needs in a healthy way –striking a balance between aggressiveness and shutting down in times of need. In a long term drug treatment program an addict will learn how to reach out and ask for help. Mastering this trait is one of the building blocks of a successful drug or alcohol treatment recovery program.
  • Learning how to fill time that was previously spent on drug-related activities, with alternative engagement, and manage their time differently. For instance, in long-term treatment inpatient residents reap the benefits of group sessions or team sports with practices and games.
  • Long term treatment will give an individual the tools so that they will know how to reintegrate into society and into family systems as a sober individual.
  • A long term treatment program will be regimented. A long term drug treatment center will include a very structured regimen and a highly predictable schedule. Clients wake up at the same time every morning, give or take a little extra sleeping time on weekends.

Some people falsely believe that addicts can simply stop using drugs or alcohol if they want to. The truth is that once a person is addicted it is very difficult — and often very dangerous — to quit without help. Quitting without help almost always leads to relapse. Studies show that when people use drugs or alcohol for a long period of time, their brain experiences changes that may exist long after use is discontinued. In other words, use affects the brain in lasting ways. These biological factors make people more susceptible to relapse in certain situations; for example, when they experience stress or when they see friends who still use. Relapse can also occur when people encounter triggers, such as places or objects that they associate with past use.

The powerful nature of addiction makes it imperative for addicts to seek drug treatment. Long-term treatment centers offer unique value to families of addicts. Staff members at long term treatment centers are experienced in dealing with drug addiction, and understand the identifying characteristics of an addict. They have the ability to separate the person from the addiction– a skill that family members can lack as a byproduct of unconditional love. Choosing a long term treatment center can be difficult, but dealing with a loved one suffering from drug addiction can be devastating.