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Drug Rehab

Drug rehab is a process that is meant to provide treatment in a safe and drug free environment where a former drug or alcohol abuser can be educated about addiction and learn how to get sober and stay that way. Although each drug rehab program may be different, all of them have the same motivating factor driving them, which is recovery from drug addiction and alcoholism. Studies show that the level of success of an addict's recovery is determined not only by the type of drug rehab program they attend, but the level of action that is taken to apply what is learned in treatment upon returning home. A drug rehab program can help a person to realize that they are not alone in their struggle with drug addiction. It can also help the addict to address some of the issues that may have contributed to their drug addiction. Additionally, a drug rehab center will provide structured activities and predictable routines that have proven to be an important element in treating individuals who have just recently become sober. The ultimate goal of all drug rehab treatment is to enable the patient to achieve lasting sobriety, but the immediate goals of drug rehab are to reduce drug use and to improve the patient's ability to function. The two main types of drug rehab are inpatient or outpatient:

Inpatient Drug Rehab

An inpatient drug rehab facility is one that temporarily houses drug abusers in order to provide them with the treatment that is necessary to help them overcome their addictions. The individuals normally reside in the drug rehab facility until they complete the drug treatment program. Inpatient drug rehab programs sometime provide counseling, detoxification, and drug relapse prevention programs. Inpatient drug rehab also offers a variety of programs and treatments that are designed to give the addict the tools that are needed to be successful in overcoming their addiction. A long term inpatient drug rehab facility is the best setting for an individual seeking drug or alcohol treatment.

Inpatient drug rehab is the best option for those individuals who want to avoid temptation and stress while they are recovering from addiction. Inpatient drug rehab removes a person from home and instead places them in an environment that is conducive to sobriety. At an inpatient drug rehab treatment center, the individual is away from the daily grind, while they are withdrawing from drugs and this can be very beneficial. Inpatient drug rehab treatment is for individuals that want to focus on learning how to live drug free without any distractions. The length of stay at an inpatient drug rehab treatment center can be anywhere from 2 weeks to many months. A minimum of 90 days is what is recommended, and even longer in some cases. Inpatient drug rehab treatment gives the individual 24 hour support. Many inpatient drug centers now offer a holistic approach which means they treat the whole person; spiritual, mental and physical.

Outpatient Drug Rehab

Outpatient drug rehab treatment is often the preferred method for those individuals who are not yet ready to immerse themselves in a residential drug rehab program. Residential drug rehab is a scary prospect in terms of the individual not being near their friends and family. But, as experts in the field of addiction have pointed out, the comfort of familiarity can be a double edged sword. Because some of the addict's family members may be enablers and some of their friends may be drug dealers, possibly the best scenario would be to obtain drug treatment as far away as possible. With outpatient drug rehab treatment, an individual can have the comfort of going home every night, but they risk experiencing triggers to use drugs because of familiar environmental factors.

Outpatient drug rehab treatment programs are more suitable for individuals who are employed, have extensive social support systems, and that can maintain abstinence for up 72 hours; this would take a highly motivated individual. Individuals attending outpatient drug rehab treatment programs generally reside at home and attend the program several evening or days during the week. While most people with substance abuse or alcohol problems would rather attend outpatient drug rehab treatment, not everyone will benefit from this limited level of care. In order for a person to be considered for outpatient drug rehab, an extensive assessment must be completed to determine whether this type of program can meet their drug rehab needs. The length of these outpatient drug rehab treatment programs is approximately six weeks; they generally meet three to five times a week for several hours. The goal for outpatient drug rehab treatment is total abstinence from drugs and alcohol. When an individual leaves each day to return home, it is expected that they will not use drugs. Some drug rehab centers administer drug tests to confirm the addict's drug free status.

For some individuals, one of the most difficult obstacles in helping a loved one choose a drug rehab treatment center is researching financing options. Many drug rehab treatment centers can cost thousands of dollars per month (or even per week) in some instances, but most reputable drug rehabs offer several different drug rehab financing options. Luckily, there are many drug rehab financing options available at many different treatment centers today that do not place an impossible burden on the individuals seeking treatment for addiction and the other members of their support network. These different ways to pay for drug rehab may include financing options, insurance and employee benefits. Many of these drug rehab financing options help to offset the costs of drug rehab care.
Experts in the field of addiction highly recommend long term inpatient drug rehab treatment for the best chance of success in recovery from drug or alcohol addiction. It is up to the individual to decide which drug rehab program they wish to participate in. For some few individuals, outpatient drug rehab treatment could be the right choice. Regardless of which treatment program is chosen, recovering from an addiction of any sort requires a lot of hard work– but a good drug rehab program will help you to achieve positive results.